以下參考 Teddy 的文章
Developer 應該了解的要點
- Commit code frequently
- Don’t commit broken code
- Fix broken builds immediately
- Write automated developers tests
- All tests and inspections must pass
- Run private builds
- Avoid getting broken code
CI Engineer 應該了解的要點
- Automate builds
- Perform single command builds
- Separate build scripts from your IDE
- Centralize software assets
- Create a consistent directory structure
- Fail builds fast
- Build for any environment
- Use a dedicated CI machine and a CI server
- Run fast builds
- State builds
- GitLab CI GitLab built-in Service
- Pipelines Bitbucket built-in Service
- Jenkins CI
- Concourse CI 自己的 CI 自己架
- Circle CI
- Travis CI
- TeamCity JetBrains 家出的 CI
- Codeship SaaS 服務,跟 AWS 整合良好
- Bamboo Atlassian 家出的 CI
- Scrutinizer 需要付錢,功能很多,有語言限制
- Strider CD
- - 用圖表示目前專案的健康度