Miles' Blog



Install on MacOS

Install Python & Powerline

$ brew install python
$ pip3 install powerline-status

Default Python version is 3.7

Find powerline install Location:

$ pip3 show powerline-status

there is a line like Location: {path}

Install Fonts

$ git clone
$ cd fonts
$ ./

Terminal use Inconsolata-g for Powerline

Config bash

Add follow command in ~/.bash_profile file

. {path}/powerline/bindings/bash/

Trouble shooting

if appear
../../../scripts/powerline-config: No such file or directory
need to find where is `powerline-config`
then add the inlclude path to $PATH
e.g. PATH=$PATH:/Users/kaihan.chang/Library/Python/3.7/bin

Config Vim

brew install vim

Edit ~/.vimrc , add following code:

set rtp+={path}/powerline/bindings/vim

" These lines setup the environment to show graphics and colors correctly.
set nocompatible
set t_Co=256

let g:minBufExplForceSyntaxEnable = 1

if ! has('gui_running')
set ttimeoutlen=10
augroup FastEscape
au InsertEnter * set timeoutlen=0
au InsertLeave * set timeoutlen=1000
augroup END

set laststatus=2 " Always display the statusline in all windows
set guifont=Inconsolata\ for\ Powerline:h14
set noshowmode " Hide the default mode text (e.g. -- INSERT -- below the statusline)

syntax on

Create config directory

$ mkdir -p ~/.config/powerline/themes/shell
$ vim ~/.config/powerline/themes/shell/default.json

Config Example:

"segments": {
"left": [
"function": ""
"function": "",
"priority": 10
"function": "powerline.segments.common.env.user",
"before": "♥ ",
"priority": 30
"function": "powerline.segments.common.env.virtualenv",
"priority": 50
"function": "",
"args": {
"format": "%H:%M"
"priority": 10
"function": "",
"priority": 10
"function": "",
"priority": 20
"function": "",
"priority": 10
"function": "powerline.segments.common.vcs.branch",
"priority": 40
"function": "powerline_svnstatus.svnstatus",
"args": {
"branch_format": "r%s",
"branch_re": "(\\d+)",
"line_start": "Revision: "
"priority": 60

